TZEDAQAH is a difficult word for English speakers to understand. At first glance it appears to mean something that simply makes no sense -- a combination of charity and justice . In English, charity is voluntary while justice is mandatory. This problem was created when translators incorrectly linked the Hebrew word charity to TZEDAQAH . They should have linked it to loyalty . TZEDAQAH is a combination of loyalty and justice . 1. Loyalty to the community in conduct and honesty. 2. Justice by eliminating things that decrease SHALOM or create disorder in the community. There is a far cry between TZEDAQAH , with its implications of social justice , and the word “ charity .” In the case of “ charity ”, the recipient sees himself beholden to the donor, whose action is voluntary . TZEDAQAH , on the other hand, has to be performed as a matter of obligation and the recipient is in no way indebted to the donor . The needy have a right to TZEDAQAH , whi...
Blogs about the life of the real Jewish Jesus whose actual name was Yeshua. View his life, teachings and movement in the cultural context of first century Galilee and Judea. Using a Linguistic Model to more accurately understand what his words meant to his original Jewish apostles, followers and audiences.