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Showing posts from November, 2018

God Did Not Command Men to Rule Over Women or Curse Them

This is the fourth and final part of the “What Happened in a Garden in Eden” discussion between Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor and Jim Myers. This video is about the first demonstration of divine justice. God does not curse the man and woman and neither does he “punish the woman by telling her the man will rule over her.” This account reaffirms the establishment of gender equality in all things that the first creation account revealed. If you have a daughter, be sure she understands the wisdom principles of this account. This video covers Genesis 3:8 to 3:23 (26:11 minutes). This video was originally part of a Facebook Live broadcast and it is posted on Facebook. You do not have to be a Facebook member or sign into Facebook to view it. When you click on the link below, if a "Sign Up" screen pops up, just click on the "Not Now" option to immediately view the video . We hope you will find the video entertaining and informative.

Two Humans vs a Walking Talking Religious Snake Part 2

This is the third part of the “What Happened in a Garden in Eden” discussion between Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor and Jim Myers. This video contains the discussion between the serpent and the two humans. This is the first account of the power of persuasion in the Bible. It is also the first opportunity for one human to protect another human. This video covers Genesis 3:1b to 3:7b (11:41 minutes). This video was originally part of a Facebook Live broadcast and it is posted on Facebook. You do not have to be a Facebook member or sign into Facebook to view it. When you click on the link below, if a "Sign Up" screen pops up, just click on the "Not Now" option to immediately view the video . We hope you will find the video entertaining and informative. ______________________________________________ Did you like this video? If you did let us know by “ Liking ” the TOV Center’s...

Two Humans vs. a Walking Talking Religious Snake

This is the second part of the “What Happened in a Garden in Eden” discussion between Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor and Jim Myers. In this video, God decides the man by himself is not “TOV,” so God decides to create a mate for him. The first thing God creates to fill that role is a wild predatory animal ! What was God thinking? This sets the stage for one of the most important events in the Scriptures of Judaism and Christianity . As a matter of fact, the Garden of Eden story was reinterpreted by Augustine in the 5 th century CE and his new interpretation laid the theological foundation upon which modern Christianity now stands. The verses discussed in this video set up the first confrontation in the Bible -- “ Two Humans vs. a Walking Talking Religious Snake .” The questions raised in the minds of the ancient Hebrew audience were these: ● Will the two humans act together and be “the image of God”? ● Or will the two humans act as individuals and be “images of a wild predator...

What do God’s image, having sex and filling the earth have in common?

What is the first thing on the Creator’s list of human empowerments? – “Have sex!” And the second is “fill the earth,” which means a lot more than “making babies.” A lot of people treat sex as a “recreational activity” today, but “filling the earth” is a very serious responsibility for the people that “make a baby.” This is the second video of the “Humans from the Creator’s Perspective.

Should believers ignore what the real Jesus actually taught?

The real Yeshua (the one that’s quoted in the Synoptic Gospels in red led letters) taught that only people that do acts of righteousness (help meet the needs of people they encounter in their lives – see Matthew 25:31-46) will enter eternal life, but centuries later church leaders replaced his words with things like these -- you must belong to the right church, believe the right things, pray a short prayer in order to spend eternity in heaven . So what should believers today do – do what the real Yeshua actually taught or ignore him and believe those other things? If you think believers should do what the Real Yeshua taught -- let us & others know by “ Liking the Real Yeshua Facebook Page ” & discuss this blog with others.   The Real Yeshua Project

Martin Luther On the Jews and Their Lies

In his 1523 Luther argued that there was no reason for Jews not to convert en masse. They suggested that perhaps Luther might convert to Judaism. In 1543 Luther published “ On the Jews and Their Lies ” – “ Burn down their synagogues . . . force them to work, deal harshly with them . . . .” Adolph Hitler clearly agreed with Luther. Read the complete blog at --

My Movement is About Guarding and Protecting Lives

It's not about belonging to the "right" church, doing the "right" rituals  or believing the "right" things. Biblical Heritage Center

Protect Us From All Evil

This is the seventh blog in the series on The Lord’s Prayer . The previous blogs are Rediscovering the Power of The Lord’s Prayer , Our Father in Heaven , May Your Name Be Sanctified , May your Kingdom come Your Will Be Done , Give Us Our Daily Bread , Forgive Us the Debt of Our Sins , and Do Not Bring Us Into the Hands of a Test . Now we will continue to the seventh line of the prayer. And protect us from all evil . Comments and Cultural Insights 1. Many English translation have – “protect us from the evil one , ” but that’s not what Jesus taught. When we put his words back into the Hebrew language he spoke, this is what he taught his disciples to pray - “ protect us from all evil .” 2. Jesus was hinting at the words of Psalms 121:7 – “May Yahweh protect you from all evil.” 3 . Jesus was not talking about protection from a personified form of evil called “Satan.”   4. The Hebrew word RAH is the word translated “evil.” It first appears in the Jewish Scri...

Do Not Bring Us Into The Hands of a Test

This is the sixth blog in the series on The Lord’s Prayer . The previous blogs are Rediscovering the Power of The Lord’s Prayer , Our Father in Heaven , May Your Name Be Sanctified , May your Kingdom come Your Will Be Done , Give Us Our Daily Bread , and Forgive Us the Debt of Our Sins . Now we will continue to the sixth line of the prayer: Do not bring us into the hands of a test. Comments and Cultural Insights 1. Most English translations have – “lead us not into temptation,” but the Hebrew words Jesus spoke actually mean – “do not bring us into the hands of a test. ” 1 2. The Greek word used in New Testament manuscripts may be translated as either “temptation” or “test.” In the New Testament it usually means “ test ” -- The Pharisees and Sadducees came, and to test Jesus they asked him to show them a sign from heaven . 2 They were not trying to temp Jesus, they were trying to test him. This is exactly the meaning that is found in the Peshitta, the ancient Aramaic...

The Mystery of the Seventh Day

The Seventh Day of Creation reveals a mystery that very few people have ever heard. It received the Third Blessing of the Creator, a blessing that is not recorded in the Hebrew text. The first two blessings were for creatures with living souls. The blessings empower those creatures to fulfill the words of the blessings in their lives. However, in light of the first two blessings, the third raises some very important questions. (1) Does the Seventh Day have a living soul too? (2) What did the third blessing empower the Seventh Day to do? (3) What relationship does the Seventh Day have to humans? Listen to Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor and Jim Myers discuss the Mystery of the Seventh Day on the two short videos that were broadcast on Facebook Live. The videos are posted on Facebook, but you do not have to be a Facebook member or sign in to Facebook to view them. When you click on the links below, if a "Sign Up" screen will pop up, just click on the "Not No...

Forgive Us the Debt of Our Sins

This is the fifth blog in the series on The Lord’s Prayer . The previous blogs are Rediscovering the Power of The Lord’s Prayer , Our Father in Heaven , May Your Name Be Sanctified , May your Kingdom come Your Will Be Done , and Give Us Our Daily Bread . Now we will continue to the fifth line of the prayer: Forgive us the debt of our sins as we forgive the debt of those who sin against us . Comments and Cultural Insights 1. When a person sinned against another person, the damage he or she caused was viewed in way that we view “debt.” 2. The sinner must pay the person they harmed restitution and/or repair the damage they had done. 3.   The sinner could not receive forgiveness from God until that “debt” has been paid to the one harmed. 4. Jesus taught the same principle in his lesson about anger in Matthew 5:23-26. Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you , leave your gift there befor...