opening chapters of Genesis reveal that
the highest value and top priority of the Creator of the Heavens and Earth is human life. They teach that all people
are created with the spirit of the Creator, meaning with the Spirit of the Creator. Humans reveal the Creator’s Spirit
to members of their generation by doing thing that measure up to the Creator’s TOV Standard – acts that protect life, preserve life, make
life for functional and increase the quality of life. Religious
institutions disconnected from real life or salvation doctrines that require people
to believe someone’s “right theologies”
were not part of the Creator’s plan.
importance of the Creator’s Life 1st
Values and TOV Standard is
repeated throughout the Jewish Scriptures. There are many examples in the Bible
of people, especially leaders, who elevated other things above the value of human
life. Some of those people’s decisions had very bad consequences for the nation
– or even for all mankind. But other’s
placed life 1st and had very different outcomes. Consider Noah and
his family. God saved them because Noah was righteous,
which means he did TOV. The “righteous”
are the heroes of the Jewish Bible. They are the ones that did acts that
measured up to the Creator’s Standard and revealed His image to their
Creator’s Life 1st Values and
TOV Standard are the foundation of the teachings
of Yeshua and the cornerstone of his
salvation message. He taught that righteous will enter eternal life.
Who are the righteous in Matthew 25?
They are the people from all nations that did acts of TOV in their lives – feed the hungry, gave drink to the thirsty,
visited the sick – in other words – the
righteous are the people who protected lives, preserved lives, made lives more
functional and increased the quality of lives – they placed human life as their
highest value and top priority.
also taught that the only way to love God is by loving your neighbor as
yourself – and he said this is the
most important commandment. Doing acts of TOV is what he meant by loving them
and yourself – that’s right doing acts of
TOV for yourself! This requires an awareness of what’s actually going on in
your life and in other people’s lives too. It means experiencing self-discovery
and getting to know them also. It is a
commitment to use the Creator’s TOV
Standard in your life and their lives. Love, for the Creator, isn’t
about having warm fuzzy feelings and “being special.” It doesn’t require
constant reinforcement to keep that feelings up.
The Creator’s
type of love only comes by the experience of protecting lives, preserving lives,
making lives more functional and increasing the quality of lives.
It requires the
this allows you to recognize presence of the Spirit of the Creator in the world today. People can’t earn this
kind of love. They can’t make others love them. We can only receive this kind
of love and share it with others. It isn’t a one-time ritual required to get a
ticket to heaven. It is a lifestyle of love. When Yeshua instructed his followers
to go into the all the world and make disciples – this is what he wanted them to demonstrate and teach to others. Today is a good day to love someone!
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