Something I was reading today caught my attention. The author was making some points related to how many people today trace their roots (physical or religious) back to Abraham. 2,382,000,000 (Christians) 1,907,000,000 (Muslims) 14,700,000 (Jews) The members of the three major monotheistic religions above total 4,303,700,000 people -- 55% of the total population of the world . The thing that caught my attention was a reference to Genesis 18:17-19. Genesis contains some of the most difficult sections to translate in the Jewish Hebrew Scriptures . A habit I picked up over the years is to always compare multiple English translations of Bible verses. In many cases the place where translators differ can be quickly identified. After doing a comparison, it was clear to me this is one of those cases. So, I had to pull out the Hebrew text and dig into it. The first verse in Genesis 18 sets the stage for the events. 1 ...
Blogs about the life of the real Jewish Jesus whose actual name was Yeshua. View his life, teachings and movement in the cultural context of first century Galilee and Judea. Using a Linguistic Model to more accurately understand what his words meant to his original Jewish apostles, followers and audiences.