I use the phrase “ Yeshua, the Jewish Jesus ” to distinguish between the person that lived in the first century who was named “Yeshua ” and the person they read about in the New Testament called “Jesus” and “ Jesus Christ ” and “ beliefs about Jesus ” that were created centuries after the Romans executed him. I think there are a lot of people, Christian and Jewish , that have a “ Pre-K understanding ,” like I used to have, about what “ Christian and Jewish ” mean. I was an ordained minister and I viewed 2,500 years of history as the histories of two religions – Judaism and Christianity . Back then I viewed “ Jesus as the founder of Christianity ” and “ the Jews as the people that opposed Jesus .” In other words, my whole reality was built around “ my beliefs about Jesus .” In order to know what “ The Jewish Jesus ” means we have to view Yeshua in the context of the world in which he lived and know what “Christianity” was like in the second and third centuries CE . T...
Blogs about the life of the real Jewish Jesus whose actual name was Yeshua. View his life, teachings and movement in the cultural context of first century Galilee and Judea. Using a Linguistic Model to more accurately understand what his words meant to his original Jewish apostles, followers and audiences.