In our January newsletter, Did Jesus Promote Violence or Shalom , we learned that Yeshua, aka Jesus , taught that the requirement for entering the Kingdom of Heaven was this -- do acts of tzedaqah in the normal course of life today . Almost everything Jesus taught was linked to teaching people how to do acts of tzedaqah. He made it clear that this was what God had anointed him to do – his mission as “the Christ” was to do and teach people how to do acts of tzedaqah . And, he taught that those who did tzedaqah, as part of the normal course of life, will enter into eternal life . So, what is tzedaqah ? Every “ follower of Yeshua ” knew the answer to that question by heart. But today, most “ believers in Jesus ” have never heard the question, much less know the answer. How could they, because the word tzedaqah doesn’t appear in English translations of their Bibles. The word they see is “ righteousness, ” and most people don’t actually know what that word means either. Man...
Blogs about the life of the real Jewish Jesus whose actual name was Yeshua. View his life, teachings and movement in the cultural context of first century Galilee and Judea. Using a Linguistic Model to more accurately understand what his words meant to his original Jewish apostles, followers and audiences.