have been involved in this discussion about the Jewish Jesus for almost 30
years now and am amazed at how “Fact-Proof” religious people are. In the
mid-1980s when someone on a TV show mentioned “the Jewish Jesus,” it would generate thousands of letters and
postcards from people wanting to correct the idiot that said it – “Jesus was a Christian not a Jew!” By
2000, thanks to the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, PBS, etc., the tide
shifted and when someone mentioned the “Jewish
Jesus” people would say, “Of course
Jesus is Jewish.”
problem is that people seemed to think that “Jewish” was an “ethnic thing”,
not a “BS thing.” Oh yeah, BS means Belief System. They talked
about a Jewish Jesus, but kept saying that he taught a bunch of “un-Jewish things”!
like Marcion, Justin, Origen, Tertullian,
Arius, Athanasius, Constantine, Eusebius and Augustine contributed memes
from their Gentile cultures and reinterpreted his words into ideas and beliefs Gentiles
could relate to. I mean they argued, fought and killed each other for centuries
just the “one God” thing.
along the way, they attached beliefs and rituals from their former gods to him,
even holidays like Christmas and Easter. So, today I hear a lot about a Jewish
Jesus, but he is speaking Gentile things instead of the Jewish things the Real
Yeshua taught. A lot of people have told me that the memes about “believing the
right things or you will go to hell” is just too much for them to risk
questioning it. It’s always more comfortable to believe whatever you believe
that change – and that’s a fact!
really want to help people break through their BS and cultural barriers so they
can better understand the life and teachings of the Real Yeshua and his story was
rewritten over the centuries to produce the different versions of “Jesus with a
Gentile culture” we hear about today. The
problem is does anyone out really think that kind of information has any value –
and be willing to shakes up their own BS if it is simply wrong! Would you?
have tons of data and years of experience. We have watched all kinds of new
Jesus groups spring up that “add bits of Jewish flavor” to their Jesus’s Gentile
message. We have no desire to convert people to the Real Yeshua’s religion – because it was Second Temple Judaism and no
longer exists. One thing we know for sure is that “freeing” people from
blindly following any religion was at the core of his teachings! And we also
know that his focus was on helping people learn how to relate and interact with
each other in “Kingdom ways” – and that
is just as relevant today as they were almost 2,000 years ago.
we ask is for a few hundred people to
stand up and pitch in by donating whatever
amount they feel led to contribute. Be one of those people and have faith
that others will value the Real Yeshua too. We
are waiting to hear from you. We are ready to go.
with the Real Yeshua Project and discover time-tested and powerful messages
that are urgently needed today – and help
us share them with many others too. Click Here to Donate.
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