“And as Yeshua's custom was,
he went into the synagogue on the Shabbat,
and stood up to read.” (Luke 4:16)
begins at sundown on Friday and ends at sundown on Saturday. If you had been
traveling with Yeshua, every Shabbat you would have gone to a synagogue and
listened to selected people read portions of the Torah (Genesis through
Deuteronomy), followed by the Haftarah.
After the readings, discussions and prayers would have followed.
the Apostles met to discuss the requirements for Gentiles to become members of
the Yeshua Movement, they agreed on minimal requirements because the new
members would be going to synagogues every Shabbat:
For Moses has had throughout many generations those
who preach him in every city,
being read in the synagogues every Shabbat. (Acts 15:21)
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