movement Jesus eventually forged had attractions for those who identified with
the Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes or Zealots. Jesus had his share of sympathizers
even among the Pharisees. Under the reign of Jesus’s brother James, large
numbers of Pharisees identified with the movement that John the Baptizer and
Jesus had inaugurated. As surprising as it sounds to modern ears, there were in
fact Nazarene or “Christian Pharisees” – and lots of them. Luke reveals that “large
numbers: of Sadducean priests in Jerusalem became part of the movement even
though Jesus seems to the least in common with the Sadducees. Even though the
Essenes had a much more rigid interpretation of the Torah than Jesus, there
were surely some who must have identified with the apocalyptic excitement that
John the Baptizer and Jesus began to ignite all over the country. When we grasp
the history, core values, and mythological world of this movement we will be
able to place Jesus properly within the incredible diversity of 1st
century Palestinian Judaism. (SOURCE: The
Jesus Dynasty: The Hidden History of Jesus, His Royal Family, and the Birth of
Christianity by James D. Tabor © 2006; Simon & Shuster, New York, NY;
pp. 120-121.)
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