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Showing posts from January, 2025

Understanding the Meaning of Prayer

  I know that modern Christianity is very different from the original Kingdom of Elohim Movement led by Jesus. But since Christians normally “pray in the name of Jesus,” I think it is important for Christians to understand what prayer meant to Jesus, the people that followed him, and the Jewish people, too. Continue reading at -

The Kingdom of the Creator on Earth

  The first story in Genesis is about the creation of the Temple and Kingdom of the Creator. The Creator is the God of the Temple, and the Creator is the King of the Kingdom. Other cultures have their stories about the relationships between gods and humans – and temples and palaces. One is the Divine Right of Kings to rule. Continue reading at -

Understanding God’s Trust in Us!

  Israel’s wisdom was part of an international movement that also found literary expressions in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Such wisdom was mainly concerned with human relations and humankind’s place within creation. Jews today have a clear idea about their covenant with Abraham and Christians have a clear idea about their link to Jesus. But the Alliance in Genesis 1was made long before Abraham and Jesus were born. Continue reading at -

Let Me Tell You a Story About Wisdom!

  Today neuroscientists know how important stories are to humans. Story is the human brain’s default mode . We are genetically hardwired be listeners and tellers of stories. Our meanings and realities of the world emerge from the stories we have about the world . How do you feel when you read these words: “ “We are created in the image of Elohim the Deity of this Temple and King of this Kingdom.” Continue reading at -

The Eternal Temple and Kingdom of Elohim

The significance of the two appearances of the Hebrew word translated “ rested ” has not been understood for over 2,000 years . It wasn’t known until scholars discovered how to translate ancient cuneiform tablets from Mesopotamia, specifically tablets from Babylon. The Ezra and the other Jewish scribes knew many of the stories on those cuneiform tablets. In Genesis we find a number of verses that are linked to those ancient clay tablets. Continue reading at -