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Showing posts from June, 2024

Rediscovering the Lost Wisdom of Jesus

  Over the past months I have written about the original Jesus being a master teacher and interpreter of the Torah and the Prophets (sections of the Hebrew scriptures). Only people who have studied the ancient scribes will be able to fully grasp the meaning of the previous sentence. In Matthew 25, Jesus revealed the Kingdom of Elohim (Genesis 1). Soon after the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE, the information needed to understand the words of Matthew 25 was lost. It wasn’t discovered again until very recently. Continue reading at -

Experiencing Life Through the Words of Genesis!

  The first story in Genesis revealed that humans are created in the image of an entity that is unlike them, and compared with all else, is incomprehensible. (You should read that sentence again a few times.) And Elohim made humans His representatives over all life on Earth. Continue reading at -

The Great Paradox: The Key to Discovering the Bible’s Ancient Wisdom

  This article is about the paradox in the title. A paradox is “ a logically self-contradictory statement or a statement that runs contrary to one's expectation .” “ And Elohim created the ADAM in His own image; in the image of ELOHIM He created him; male and female He created them.” The contradictory terms are Elohim and ADAM . Continue reading at -

Family and the Alliance of Elohim

  A family structure begins when the male and female choose to remain connected to each other in order to raise their offspring. The urge to have a family is also an instinct -- a very distinct drive that has little to do with sex. The element of permanence, which remains even when the partners are no longer occupied with sex or with raising offspring, is one mark of the family. Families are the building blocks of our society. Continue reading at -

What Are Humans?

  My first question was: “What is the constantly shape-shifting environment ?” The answer I found was: “It is our entire society, not a few remote areas.” My next question was: “Is this problem caused by nature?” The answer is “No, it is caused by humans.” My third question was: “What are humans?” The “ facts I discovered about humans ” are revealed below. Continue reading at -

The Order of the Creation Organic Families and Our Sacred Inheritances

  The ancient scribes placed this word first for a specific reason. It signals that this is “the head of the story.” They highlighted the importance of understanding the “order of things” in this story. In today’s confused and polarized political environment, I will call “the Family” in this story an “Organic Family.” “Organic” means this is a family with two humans who have the reproductive functions to create a new human life. “The problem is that “we are HUMANS!!! An entire nation of humans cooperating? What are the odds?” Continue reading at – ?

Discovering the Secrets of the Ancient Scribes

  The Torah (first five books of Christian Old Testament) is a very unique document. It was assembled, copied, and read to the public by a group of scribes who were some of the greatest scholars in the history of writing. Most of those involved in the making of the Torah left neither a name nor biography.   We do not know them individually. We can identify their scribal milieu as that of the scribal elite, and it is that milieu that holds the key to the origins of the Torah. Ike, Jeffrey, and I wrestled with the challenge of dealing with a Source (author) that was a group, not an individual. Our research made it clear that “ scribes wrote for scribes and only scribes .” Continue reading at -

Knowing How Words Work Reveals Lost Meanings of Key Words

  People have been disagreeing about things that are found in their Bible for many centuries. So, I will begin with something every person I have ever taught agrees on: Every Bible is a book filled with words. Before we can accurately discuss anything that we disagree about, we must know how words work. I will teach you how to use BHC Linguistic Models to help you work with the words in our Bibles. Continue reading at -

Wrestling With Life to Perfect Ourselves!

  The Alliance with the Creator in Genesis revealed that humans are meant to join the Creator as partners in creation, doing our part on earth to confer dignity and caring on others and alleviate human suffering. This is a “core Jewish value today.” It is one of the reasons that the Creator created humans. This was not a religious belief, because Jesus did not teach “religious beliefs.” The original Jesus taught that what you do is more important than what you believe. Continue at -