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Showing posts from April, 2023

Redefining Evil: The Tree of the Knowledge of TOV and RA

  This email is about redefining evil by using the TOV Standard . After working with Ike ( Dr. Tennison ) and Jeffrey ( Rabbi Leynor ) for 30 years, one of the most important things we discovered is the importance of how people define “evil. ” The most popular meanings are “a powerful force that some people believe to exist, and that causes wicked and bad things to happen” and “p rofound immorality and wickedness caused by the devil.” Neither of those meanings are the Hebrew meaning. Continue reading at –

Using the TOV Standard to Create Things

  The Creator’s Alliance with the ADAM established humans as the Creator’s co-representatives to all life on earth. That job description paves the way to for learning some of the most shared wisdom principles and values of the Bible. The Creator “creates and makes things,” so learning how to create is a prerequisite for being the Creator’s representatives. Continue reading at -

The Creator Has Given the Earth to the Sons of ADAM

  Ibn Ezra’s comment reveals a major difference between Jewish and Christian Biblical Heritages -- eternal life and t ikkun olam . We discovered something that was already part of both of our Biblical Heritages -- the most important word in the First Story in Genesis – TOV ! TOV existed before nations or religions were created in our Scriptures! Continue reading at -

The Elders of Israel Tell Yahweh to Give Them a New King!

  The elders of Israel went to the prophet Samuel and said: “ Look, you are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now make us a king to judge us like all the nations. ”   How would you like to have been in Samuel’s sandals and deliver that message to Yahweh! Continue reading at -  

Are Loving God and Loving People Connected?

  Jesus had just finished discussions with the Pharisees and Sadducees over issues in which they held different positions, when a lawyer (probably also a scribe) walked up to him and asked: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Torah?” According to the rabbis, there are 613 commandments in the Torah, so the answer was not simply a multiple-choice question. However, Jesus immediately answered the question. Continue reading at -

Why the Jewish Jesus Linked the Story of Noah to a Parable

  Discover what the people who were saved in The Parable of the Great Day of Judgment and Noah have in common, the Standard God used to judge all nations, and how all of that is linked to parenting. Also compare your beliefs after the afterlife to the teachings of the Jewish Jesus. Continue reading at -

The Creator’s Alliance with the First Family

  The Torah has been read many ways over the past 2,500 years, but from 300 CE until the 20 th century, people have not been able to recognize the way in which Ezra’s scribes used the Persian legal structure of an alliance. We wouldn’t have found it without a sentence located in a parable Jesus taught. Now we are able to read the ancient story again – and it has the power to transform societies today! Continue reading at -

How to Read and Do the Wisdom of the Bible

  Ancient wisdom of the Bible differs from wisdom of other cultures and writings. The wisdom of the Hebrew Scriptures is not abstract learning or philosophical speculation. The wisdom of the Bible is not about believing – it is about doing!   The purpose of the wisdom of the Hebrew text is “ to guide people on the path that leads to living life at its highest and best .” As you explore the wisdom of the Bible, you must constantly seek answers to three questions. Continue reading at -

The Creator Creates an Alliance with Humans

  The second blessing (in Genesis 1:28) is much more than the first blessing – it is an alliance that the Creator established with the ADAM . This alliance defines the Creator’s relationship to the ADAM as “ father and son .” That provision also defined the relationships of the male and female humans – “ siblings of the same father .” It also defines the way in which humans exercise power towards other humans. Continue reading at –

A New Understanding of The Creator’s Blessing of Humans

  The ancient creation stories of the Akkadians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Persians, and Canaanites begin by telling stories about the origins, things the gods and goddesses had done, their domains, etc. When they got what they wanted things were usually better for humans, but when they didn’t get those things, gods and goddesses could become violent and other gods, goddesses, and humans could suffer and die. There were no legal restraints to protect humans or weaker gods or goddesses. The God of Israel established an alliance will all humans! Continue reading at -