Exploring the Bible is designed to be a team activity , like a sport. We live in a highly individualized “it’s all about me culture,” where sports are one of few human activities that publicly demonstrate the power of human cooperation in real life. Before you can explore “God” in the Bible, you must become aware of the belief models linked to the word “God” that your elephant is now using to analyze my words. And, before you can do that – you must learn how to ride an elephant! Continue readings at - http://mailchi.mp/108485b89456/exploring-god-in-the-bible-part-1
Blogs about the life of the real Jewish Jesus whose actual name was Yeshua. View his life, teachings and movement in the cultural context of first century Galilee and Judea. Using a Linguistic Model to more accurately understand what his words meant to his original Jewish apostles, followers and audiences.