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Showing posts from December, 2022

Have You Considered a “Moral Universe” Option?

  In a “moral universe” there are shared standards and shared values and relationships that are built on what people share. In an “individual universe” each individual creates his or her standard, values what he or she likes – he or she is the highest power. We have the power to choose which universe will be “our universe.”   Continue reading at –

How Many People in the World Do Not Want to Be Hurt By Other People?

  We believe it because there is a universal problem in the world and the wisdom in Genesis can help people deal with it better than they are dealing with it now! The problem is people hurt people! We believe the Bible can become the most powerful source of bringing people together and uniting them through the ancient wisdom recorded in Genesis, combined with powerful subconscious biological functions of human brains. Continue reading at -

The Wisdom that Bridged the Gap Separating a Preacher and a Rabbi!

  The unrealized master idea of the grand narrative of The Torah’s Wisdom of the Beginnings is for the Creator’s Kingdom to become a reality on Earth: “Humans acting together as the Creator’s Representatives and Co-Shepherds over all life on Earth by doing acts that are TOV.” That wisdom is reflected clearly. Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor pointed out many examples of that wisdom throughout all of the Jewish Scriptures. But something that we discovered together made t he unrealized master idea above equally important for Christians. Continue reading at -

A Great Grand Narrative With Shared Values for 21st Century Lives!

  It is abundantly clear that our generation lacks a shared vision for what life should be like today. The Creator’s vision is not a religious vision. It is not a Jewish or Christian thing. It does not require a theology. It is mutually inclusive and has universally beneficial shared values for today! A preacher (Jim Myers) and a rabbi (Jeffrey Leynor) agreed and shared it! Continue reading at -

A Universal Grand Narrative Shared By a Preacher and a Rabbi!

  The grand narrative of the Jewish Scriptures and the teaching of the Jewish Jesus is recorded in the first ten chapters of Genesis. The seven parts together are the ancient wisdom text of a temple. Part 1 begins by introducing an unnamed Creator (something you won’t see in your English translation). Continue reading at -

Silver coins found near Temple Mount prove Jewish history of Israel

  The Jerusalem Post (12/15/22) published an article b y  Judy Siegel-Itzkovich about a very important archaeological discovery near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Below is short overview of the article and link to it with pictures of the coins. This is a very important discovery. Continue reading at -

Genesis and Enuma Elish: A Clash of Grand Narratives

  The gods of Babylon were born and subject to powers beyond them. The gods were dependent upon physical existence too. The Genesis story has no notion of either the birth of the Creator or a biography or mythology. The Creator’s existence was as self-evident as life itself. Interestingly, many Bible believers today have beliefs that are linked to ideas about Babylonian gods. Continue reading at -

Two Very Important Reasons the Bible Benefits 21st Lives

  The Bible, and how it fits into 21 st lives, are a subject that many people are interested in today. I have been focusing on how the Bible fits into lives today. The stories in the Bible play major roles in the creation of the life narratives and grand narratives that affect billions of lives. Continue reading at - two-very-important-reasons-the-bible-benefits-21st-lives

Who Cares if God’s Will is Done on Earth? Part 2

  What “God’s will” meant to Jesus may surprise you. It wasn’t for people to believe anything about him. It wasn’t for people to view prayer as a way to get God to do things for them. It was for “His will to be done on Earth like it is done in Heaven.” Find out “what was going on in Heaven.” Continue reading at -

Who Cares if God’s Will is Done on Earth?

  Who cares if “God’s will is done on earth?” The first part of the answer is “at least 2,400,000,000 Christians” who know those words are from the “Lord’s Prayer” – the prayer that Jesus taught his followers to pray. The second part of the answer is “people whose lives are affected by the 2.4 billion people in part one!” Continue reading at -