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Showing posts from April, 2022

The First Death and Afterlife Experience in the Bible

  We do not know how long Cain’s anger burned, but it ended when met Abel. Instead of doing things that were TOV , Cain acted like a predator, like a wild animal, and murdered his brother. And then YHVH the god appeared. Continue reading at -

How to be Accepted by God

  “ How to be accepted by God ” is a subject that was – and still is -- very important to many readers of the Bible. The best answer to that question comes from YHVH the god in a story that many Bible readers know, but haven’t understood. I will tell you my version of that story today . Continue reading at -

Why the TOV Center and Why Now?

For twenty-five years, Jim Myers and I have studied, investigated, written and taught together, working for a better world, with more knowledge, understanding and TOV actions . We developed the TOV Standard from the Ancient Wisdom of Shared Values in order to enable people to Form and Maintain Values-Based Relationships for the Common Good , and for the Good of ourselves as individuals as well . Continue reading at –  

Urgently Needed: Observant and Honest Bible Readers

  The words of the Bible, especially in English translations, are among the most important, valuable, and powerful assets in the world today for many reasons, beginning with these: approximately 2.38 billion people practice some form of Christianity & English is spoken by some 1.75 billion people worldwide . Continue reading at -

Reconnecting With Our Religious and National Roots

  What do the creation of humans in Genesis, the teachings of Jesus, and the Declaration of Independence have in common? They share very important ideas about how people can live together in harmony and peace. Continue reading at -

The Most Difficult Thing for American Bible Readers to Understand

  For American readers of the story today, the ancient meaning of ADAM is also beyond our comprehension. The reason that we can’t understand what ADAM means is that our brains have a belief model which emerged in Germany in the early 16 th century CE. Continue reading at -

The God That Wanted a Kingdom

  If you had studied with my friend, teacher, mentor, and associate, Dr. Ike Tennison, you would have heard three phrases many times – “ stay in the box, ” “ let the Bible text tell its own story, ” and “ don’t forget that a Sunday School class and a university class are different .” I used Ike’s advice to create more user-friendly versions of some well-known Bible stories. Check this one out! Continue reading at -

Lives 1st: The Common Ground of Our Biblical Heritages

  This is about the moment we understood the importance the TOV Standard and TOV Wisdom and Values – and discovered the common ground of our Christian and Jewish Biblical Heritages. Continue reading at -

Why a Professor, a Rabbi, and a Pastor Explored Their Biblical Heritages

  Today, I want to tell you a story that I hope will give you a context in which you can better understand why I believe exploring biblical heritages is so important. Instead of asking you to wait until the end of the story for the conclusion, I am going to summarize the first chapter and then summarize the conclusion . Continue reading at -

The Kingdom of the Creator of the Heavens and Earth

  If you have a Christian or Jewish Biblical Heritage, make sure this information is part of it. If you do not have a Biblical Heritage, consider adding it to your values and standards. This God values human lives so much that He created the Heavens and the Earth for them! Read more at -

The Mystery of the Seventh Day of Creation

  A reader from the multiple cultures in the ancient world would know immediately what was going on the first story in Genesis and conclude that it is “a temple text.” And they know exactly why the Seventh Day is the most important of the seven days of creation. But modern readers, since they do not understand what they are reading, never know that they missed the most important part of the story. Continue reading at -

The Godlike Role Given to Humans

  A number of beliefs and ideas found in the Bible had histories that led us back in time to Egyptian, Babylonian , and Persian texts . As we compared those texts to the ideas in biblical texts, one thing stood out. The first ten chapters of Genesis is an ancient wisdom text of a temple ! Continue reading at -

The Creation of the ADAM and the First Family

  In my emails, a word with all capital letters is a transliteration of a Hebrew word . Be sure to note that ADAM and Adam may not mean the same thing. We will soon learn that the ADAM is an entity that consists of one male human and one female human . Continue reading at -

A Reader’s Digest Version of the Creation Story: Part 2

  Six areas now exist, four of them are new. Now the Creator turns its attention to creating the things that will occupy those areas – and we will discover more mysteries embedded in this story! Continue reading at -

A Reader’s Digest version of the Creation Story

  In our world today, accurate and correct information is very important and valuable. Being identified as a source of accurate and correct information is important. Now, you are in a position to do that anytime the first story in Genesis is part of the conversation. Most Bible readers do not know what the Creator created in the first story in the Bible. Check it out and see if have good or bad information. Continue reading at -

From BS Defenders to Explorers of Bible Stories

  Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor and I were very close friends for many years, but at the beginning of our relationship, there was always an elephant in the room . Our religious institutions agreed on two things: (1) There is only one God. (2) The other institution’s god is not that god . That was the elephant in the room, and we knew we had to talk about it. Continue reading at -

An Alien Might Think Christians and Jews Believe in the Same God

  Last weekend I was thinking about something that happened when Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor and I first began meeting and studying together. I was introducing Jeffrey to a linguistic model I used in my Bible study group. We compared English translations of Genesis 1:1 in Christian and Jewish Scriptures. Continue reading at -

Did You Know 74 People Saw the God of Israel at the Same Time?

  One of the amazing things about exploring stories in the Bible is that I always see things I missed before . I had believed that “no human has ever seen God,” prior to exploring this story many years ago. It was shock to discover that Moses and 73 other people saw God at the same time. Continue reading at -