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Showing posts from October, 2019

Core Values and Simple Sets of Rules for Dealing with Very Complex Problems

Today we are immersed in a society that, since the late 1960s, has been changing its “ core values. ” America is transitioning to a society with the following four core values -- money, individualism, rights and entertainment . This transition, however, comes at a very high price . Read more at --

Did Jesus do away the Bible and Constitution?

If someone had walked into our church and said, “ Jesus did away with the Bible and Constitution! ” – he would risk being stoned on the spot! But, if our preacher had walked into Jesus’s hometown synagogue, the one Yeshua (aka Jesus) faithfully attended every Saturday and preached this -- “ We are not under the Law because Jesus fulfilled it! ” – he would have also risked being stoned. Read article at --

The Name Jesus (BHC Quick Note)

The subject of this BHC Quick Note is “ the English word Jesus ,” not beliefs linked that word. “ Jesus ” is a name that became well-known and popular through “ English translations of the New Testament. ” Get the facts by clicking on --

Our Beliefscapes are Our Realities.

Beliefscapes give us a new way to talk about things that only exist in the neural networks of our brains. By exploring together we learned when and how new belief models came into being and old models faded from memories and changed beliefscapes – and doing this together changed our individual beliefscapes and our realities .

Are You Me?

Before you can answer that question, you have to be able this question – What am I? Find the answers to that question in our latest email at --

Sadducees and Pharisees: Fire + Gasoline

How would like to be the one in charge of managing an environment in which fire and gasoline were always in close proximity to one another? That’s how the Romans viewed Judea, Sadducees and Pharisees. Judea was the environment and Sadducees and Pharisees were the fire and gasoline . Read the complete email at -

The Emergence of Rabbinic Judaism

The Israelites are Jacob’s descendants, the offspring of “ the man that wrestled with a god and men, and prevailed .” For the purposes of this discussion, the history of Judaism will be divided into three periods – Pre-Temple Period, The Temple Period, and Post-Temple Period. What is now called “Judaism” was invented in the matrix of Roman culture . Read the complete email at -

So, what do you do when you know you are wrong? Change your BS!

Change your BS! Back in our old realities being labeled as “ the person who was wrong ” could destroy the career of preacher or rabbi. Who would want to listen to a person like that? Today, encountering a preacher or rabbi – or any other human – who has never been wrong sets off all kinds of BS Alarms.

We Are Literally What We Believe

Have you heard the term “ neurobiology ” yet? Make a note of it, because in the near future you will be hearing a lot about it. Neurobiology is rewriting the textbooks on beliefs and belief systems. Read more about it at –

The Only Two Power Options Humans Have

Exercising power is one thing you invest a tremendous amount of time and energy in every day of your life – and you have been doing it from the first day of your life . Power is so much a part of human life that most people are not consciously aware of when they are exercising power or when power is being exercised on them.

Letting the Jewish Jesus explain his movement in his own words (Part 3).

What do you believe the Jewish Jesus would think about the extremely popular salvation messages that say “ people are not saved by works ” ( what people do have nothing to do with their eternal destinies)! All God cares about is “believing the right things!” Read the complete message at --

The Creator’ Expectations for Humans

Needless to say, everyone that has read the previous email about how the Heaven and Earth were created was probably shocked to learn what they thought before was completely wrong. Well get ready for another shocker about what how humans are created.

Five Temples of Judaism

In truth, there have always been varieties of Judaism, even when the Jerusalem Temple dominated Israelite religious practice in the Ancient Near East. The bottom line is that throughout the “ Second Temple Period ,” there were other Jewish temples with their priests and they were rivals of the Second Temple in Jerusalem and its priesthood. Read more at --

Human Lives are Valued more than Religious Institutions and Rituals

Human lives are valued more than religious institutions and rituals by the unnamed god in the first account in Genesis . That message is repeated throughout the  Hebrew Scriptures  and the  teachings of Jesus  in the  Synoptic Gospels. Read the complete short articles at -

Yom Kippur (Rabbinic Version) Begins at Sundown Today.

Our focus in Exploring Our Biblical Heritages has been primarily on the dramatic changes in Christianity over the past 2,000 years. Judaism has also undergone dramatic changes in that same period. One example of those changes can be seen in how the Holy Day of Yom Kippur is celebrated. Read the complete article at --

We Are All Created to be Creators!

One of the most powerful beliefs in the history of mankind is found in this creation account –  all people are created in the image of the Creator!  Tribal and religious belief systems place every one in “ us vs. them groups .” That makes it much easier  to harm, hate and kill “ them .”  But, for people who view  all humans  “ as creatures created in the image of god ” --  harming, hating and killing another human is a very different situation . Read the complete article at --

The Real Meaning of “Jesus Christ Son of God.”

Our goal is to educate by providing culturally and linguistically accurate information.   Today I am going to put pieces of information from previous emails together to reveal the real meaning (culturally and linguistically accurate) of the words “ Jesus Christ Son of God .”   Click on this link to continue reading --

What is good?

Do you believe that it is good to do the right things? Do you want your children to be good people? Teach your children about the TOV Standard and its Lives 1 st Values , because “ TOV is much more than good .”