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Showing posts from April, 2015

My Journey to Discovering the Real Yeshua (Updated)

Jim Myers My journey to discovering the Real Yeshua began in 1980. I believe that if you know more about my journey it will help you understand what I write in our newsletters, blogs, groups, etc. My approach is very different from how others view this subject – many are either defending their positions or attacking someone else’s . I completely understand both positions and have engaged in both over the years. The problem, from my point of view, is that either of those options usually polarizes people and creates environments that make cooperation and respect impossible. My journey has led me to discover ways that brings people together to more accurately understand the past that has produced the present and to include those facts as they consider their future . Let me begin by telling you about the two most difficult obstacles that I repeatedly encountered on my journey -- my subconscious mind and my Belief System . The subconscious mind acts like a firewall on a...

Yeshua the Rabbi

The role of Yeshua as a messianic figure gets lots more attention than his role as a rabbi. The Synoptic Gospels, however, provide a wealth of information that highlights his activities as a rabbi. In order to see It is important to remember that Yeshua wasn’t the only messianic figure or rabbi the people would have known. There were hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of rabbis circulating in the land of Israel at that time. According to Professor S. Safrai, the itinerating rabbi was the norm, rather than the exception. [i] Being a disciple of Yeshua, especially for the apostles, required much more than just attending lectures. Learning by itself did not make a pupil, and he did not grasp the full significance of his teacher’s learning in all its nuances except through prolonged intimacy with his teacher, through close association with his rich and profound mind. The disciples accompanied their sage as he went to teach, when he sat in the law court, when he engaged in the performan...

Yeshua and the Passover Part 2

Three times in a year all Israelite males are to appear before Yahweh. [1] These are called Shalosh Regalim (the three pilgrimage festivals): (1) Feast of Unleavened Bread (2) Feast of Weeks ( Shavuot   aka Pentecost )   (3) Feast of Tabernacles ( Sukkot ) On the major feasts days, all priests from all divisions could make pilgrimage, and all of them were entitled to the festal offerings. The special feature of Passover in the Temple was the slaughter of the paschal lamb by all worshippers, inhabitants of Jerusalem and pilgrims alike. Let’s take a moment to define a couple of key words: (1) pilgrim – from Old French pelerin , peregrine " crusader ; foreigner , stranger ." [2] (2) paschal – from Greek pascha " Passover ," from Aramaic pasha " pass over ," corresponding to Hebrew pesah , from pasha " he passed over ." Notice that Passover is not listed above in the feasts. Originally, Passover and the Feast o...