200 Christian denomination institutions in America and 45,000 Christian institutions globally exists today. It is very clear that Christianity is not one giant religion. It is an umbrella term that identifies independent religions which have a variety of “institutional truths.” But Luther was not the primary driver of what ultimately happened. 460 miles from Luther, Nicolaus Copernicus was living in Frombork, Poland. He was making astronomical observations. Continue reading at - https://mailchi.mp/cfdbadac08b9/ discovering-and-presenting-the-best-available-evidence
Christianity is “an umbrella term” that is used by many independent groups. Christianity is a monotheistic religion – one God is the source of truth . Are the truths of all Christian denominations and churches the same truths? Rabbinic Judaism and Islam are also monotheistic religions. Where do beliefs and facts fit in religions? Continue reading at - https://mailchi.mp/1a013be52078/ truths-beliefs-facts-and-biology